How do I update my billing information?

There are many reasons you might want to update your billing information.

  • You've moved or are using a new e-mail address, so billing and contact information has changed.
  • Your credit card will be expiring soon, so you want to update your CC info so that your subscription isn't interrupted.
  • You want to use a different credit card than the one you initially signed up with.

BCF and HCF have handy, self-service account management pages where you can update all of this information yourself.  

CF will soon be migrated to the new system as well, but in the meantime you can always reach out to us here at support or by following the Live Chat buttons on the site to ask our support reps to update your information for you.

The third-party billing provider you signed up through can also often help in updating your billing information, and you can find information on how to contact them here: