How do I cancel a recurring subscription?

Canceling your recurring subscription is easy!  We offer the means to do so directly on the website(s) to which you have a subscription, and you can also do so through the third-party billing processor that securely handled your initial transaction.

To cancel a subscription, click here.

To cancel a subscription, click here

To cancel a subscription, click here

You can also reach out to us directly to ask us to cancel your subscription for you, or even to confirm the status of a cancelation.  Follow the Contact Us links or Live Chat buttons on any of the sites to reach out to us, or even submit a ticket here.  Be sure to include your e-mail address and username so we can look up your information as quickly as possible (and while transaction and subscription IDs and receipt numbers definitely help, they're not required).

Note that if you signed up for one of our sites through PayGarden with a retail gift card, it is a non-recurring subscription that ends automatically at the conclusion of its preset term (as is the case with all non-recurring subscriptions).