Some US states and countries require users verify their age before being allowed to view adult-oriented material online. If you've been asked to verify age, it is because you are accessing this website from one of these regions.
We've partnered with and to provide this age verification, in a way that prioritizes:
- Accuracy - Ensuring only adults are able to view our content.
- Privacy - Not using your personal information for anything other than age verification.
- Convenience - Requesting the absolute bare minimum amount of information from you, and making the process as seamless as possible.
The information you submit (whether it be your name, last four digits of SSN, cell phone number and/or e-mail address, and so on) will only be used to carry out the automated age verification process.
Liberty Media Holdings LLC (CF, BCF, HCF):
- Will Not Manually Review Your Age Verification Information - The process is automated, and we don't see the information you submit during the age verification process.
- Will Not Store Your Age Verification Information - We won't store or save any information you submit during the age verification process.
- Will Not Use Your Information For Anything Else - We won't subscribe the e-mail address submitted for age verification to any mailing lists; we won't use a submitted phone number for SMS/text marketing; we won't share your information with any third parties.
We've made sure to partner with age verification services that likewise value your privacy and enable for a seamless verification process. The process is entirely automated and performed in the background - you submit your info, it is encrypted, age verification occurs, and our site receives a coded trigger letting us know you can proceed to the members area.