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Staying up to date on news and updates from our sites

We offer a host of ways for you to keep in touch with us, including through newsletters and regular updates on several social media platforms. Subscribing to our newsletters and following us on social media help ensure you never miss an update, and never miss out on special offers; we regularly make special offers available through our newsletters and social media that aren't available anywhere else! Further, first-time subscribers to our newsletters immediately get a discount offer as our way ...

How do I report pirated content?

First and foremost, thank you for thinking about reporting pirated content you've come across! We love free stuff just as much as anyone else, but the plain and simple fact of the matter is it does cost money to produce our content, and we need to make money to be able to deliver the models and content you love. It costs money to recruit models, fly them out for productions, test them, film them, pay videographers and editors, have studio space, have powerful and modern servers to deliver vide...

How can I become a model?

As one of the most respected, independent, producers of high-end adult erotica since 2003, we are seeking attractive, athletic, 18-26 year old guys and girls who are interested in the exciting world of adult modeling. We work with exceptional people interested in a variety of work including solo, coed, bi, and all-male. While most of our models are straight, we work with every preference and only cast models in the work they are comfortable doing. Physique is very important for all of the work ...